Alaia London- Retail Trend mapping

Retail Trend Mapping

Consumer Trend

Ftrend Identifies, and decodes the key consumer trends and its application to retail and fashion. Our in-depth consumer analysis helps the retailers to offer the best product to the customers.


F-trend helps retailer identify the best product and style to offer their customer. Our 360-degree analysis based on differences between the current offering and the actual need.

Trend Validation

Through our trend Validation retailers could find the product that is not performing well and the changes to make


Our In-depth market study helps Ecommerce industry identify the seasonal trend as well as the latest emerging trend based on potential market, print, style, and color scheme

Creative coaching

Our Advisory team brings the expertize you need to bring the best product to your consumer. We work with you closely to map your market offering for each season.

25 days Trend Guide

F-trend brings buyers specific product guide on every 25 days to help E-commerce and retail industry have the best product in the stock.